New Moon in Scorpio, 5 November 2021
Ruled by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, the Scorpio New Moon invites us to go deep and explore our inner world. Here we find the hidden, the mysterious and sources of buried treasure.
At this New Moon, Uranus the great awakener and planet of liberation and illumination, opposes the Sun and Moon and may expose secrets and reveal truths. Uranus brings shocks, surprises, disruption and sudden unexpected events and on the Scorpio Taurus axis of resources, may impact our economy, financial systems, agriculture and create weather and earth events such as earthquakes and volcanos. Interesting that COP 26 is happening now.
With Mars widely conjunct the Sun and Moon, on a personal level we may be shaken out of old patterns, release entrenched emotions, transform our values, align with our souls desire and plunge beneath the surface to reclaim our personal power.